Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I figured I'd post an update on how Aidan is doing.

We are continuing to feed him by mouth. Right now he isn't able to take in a lot only about 1/8th of a cup right now, but we're working on it. He has been vocalizing a lot more than he had before. He's making a lot of cooing, grunting and other similar noises.

This afternoon when his nurse, Rachael, was waiting on me to unlock the van door, he was smiling and actually made a squealing sound. He only did it once, but it was very exciting. He hasn't made any noises like that to indicate he's enjoying something or that he is excited. Aidan has always loved being outside though, so maybe that's why he did it.

I met with the therapists and teachers at the preschool today to go over Aidan's IEP (individual education plan) and their assessments and goals. I think we're all on the same page as far as goals for Aidan's physical abilities and communication. I just hope that by getting him into school with other children and in an environment where people are working with him every day that it will help him surpass those goals.

We're down to the last 2 puppies out of Gracie's litter of 8. I have someone coming this evening to look at them that is interested in both of them. I will absolutely jump for joy if she takes them both. I love puppies and dogs, but I don't want to be the one dealing with a whole litter of the little buggers.

Russell's job is going well, I guess. It's all still new, though.

Well, for now, that's what is going on. I'm still working on the Valentine's afghan. This is what it will look like or very similar. I'm hoping to have it finished soon. I haven't been working on it as much as I should be, but it is coming along. I haven't decided if I'm going to raffle it off or just sell it. I don't even know if anyone is interested in it. Anyway...

I'll try to update again soon.



Peg said...

Erin - the afghan is beautiful. I can't give you any advice as to whether to sell or raffle it off - but I know you'll make the right decision.
Thank you so much for the good news about Aidan.

All my love,
Aunt Peg

TheLab said...

There is interest in the afghan - raffle or sell, I'm interested! Let us know what you decide to do and I'll spread the word up my way. :)