
If you can, donations are greatly appreciated to help ease the financial burdens placed on our family. These donations are tax-deductible and allow us to provide the best and most cutting-edge medical, holistic, and non-traditional treatments available in the world. Plus, it allows Erin the ability to be a stay-at-home mom and be the best caretaker, friend, therapist and Mommy she can be to Aidan. Our hope is that one day Aidan will be healed and able to live a productive and independent life. 


If you wish to make a tax-deductible donation, you can send it to HelpHopeLive (formerly the National Transplant Assistance Fund & Catastrophic Injury Program).  You can either donate by going to Aidan's Patient Page, or by mailing a check to HelpHopeLive.

Checks are made payable to HelpHopeLive South-Atlantic Brain Injury Fund with In Honor of Aidan Wright in the Memo Line. 

If you would rather send a donation by check, mail it to:
150 N. Radnor Chester Road
Suite F-120
Radnor, PA 19087

You can also call 1 (800) 642-8399 to make a donation by credit card.

We also ask that you take this letter and freely post and distribute it to make more people aware of Aidan's needs. 

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