Monday, April 11, 2011

open letter removed

While I wholeheartedly agree with Russell's letter and feel that it adequately expresses our feelings in a non threatening way, I feel the need to remove the letter at this time. It will be addressed to the proper parties involved.

Never in a million years did I think that taking Aidan out of the hospital would cause the repercussions that we are experiencing now. We only have his best interest at heart, and I can guarantee that if there had been proper communication between all parties involved, things definitely would be different.

I want to apologize for the comments made primarily on Facebook by myself and Russell. They were made out of anger, frustration and hurt and should have never been put on such a public forum.

For the past 3 years we have depended on the staff at the hospital and our doctor's office. Without them, Aidan would not be here today. I don't want anyone to ever think that we are not grateful or appreciative of the care that he has received.

With that said, I also want to thank everyone who has supported us and knows that we are good parents, and that we are doing the best we can.

I hope and pray that this situation works out and that we can all move on and do what is best for Aidan.



WhitneyBooze said...

such a tough situation you both were placed in
I am sorry you had to go through it.
Just continue being the awesome parents that you are.....

essay writing service australia said...

I felt bad while reading your post. You guys have suffered a lot. I wish and will pray for you guys. Keep going on and have a happy life a head.