Friday, December 31, 2010

so long 2010, hello 2011

This year has flown by. It's hard to believe that my babies are growing so quickly. Aidan turned 4 in February, we welcomed his baby sister in March, and Evan turned 3 in June. It's been a year of minimal illnesses for Aidan and we've managed to keep him out of the hospital for most of the year, although we did have to have him admitted overnight the night before Christmas Eve with a stomach bug and pneumonia.

This year we had several fundraisers for Aidan, thanks to some generous donations from some lovely women (Sharon Z. and Betsy R.). I'm not sure what 2011 will hold for us or Aidan, but I hope to have some more fundraisers so that we can finally realize our goal of trying stem cell therapy for Aidan.

This year also brought the joy and excitement of seeing Aidan try to lift his head on his own and the start of a ketogenic diet and baclofen pump trial. The diet seems to have helped some of Aidan's seizures but not all of them and we're waiting to hear from the doctor about when we can proceed with the baclofen pump placement.

In the coming year, Aidan will be turning 5. This year will be the 3rd anniversary of the accident and will also be Aidan's last year of preschool. Just thinking about the next few months are overwhelming for me.

I hope that I can be better about blogging and keeping everyone up-to-date on Aidan.

Wishing you all a safe and happy New Year!


1 comment:

legitimate paper writing services said...

thanks for sharing aidans story I have been so touched but its good tyo hear the diet is helping him keep us posted on any new developments aidan will have a succesful journey to recovery