Wednesday, June 24, 2009

pictures from Evan's 2nd Birthday

Evan's 2nd birthday was Monday and we had his party on Saturday. It was just family and we had it here at our apartment. This birthday was pretty bittersweet considering how Aidan's 2nd birthday party turned out so tragic.

Evan had a blast and Aidan was his usual self, he slept through most of it. :)

Here is the link for my facebook photo album where I uploaded some of the pictures.


Kathy Hooper said...

Praying for you all. I'm sure this is a very emotional time and I really hope Aidan feels better soon. It stinks to not know how to help him, I'm sure. You are doing a great job trying to stay on top of everything, even though you must be so tired, physically and emotionally. Hang in there.

Luke's Mom said...

Just wondering how Aidan is doing? I hope that you are having a good summer. Let us know how things are going.
