Friday, April 17, 2009


Today is the 1 year anniversary of the day that we brought Aidan home from the hospital after his accident. We were so happy to have him home again after not having him there for 2 long months. A lot has happened and Aidan has grown a lot in the last year.

So for an update on the current situation. Aidan is out of the PICU. He is now in a regular room, off of the continuous nebulizer and is breathing well. He sounds a lot better than he did. I'm hoping they'll let him come home maybe tomorrow or Sunday.

For now that's really the only news. I know that the doctors want us to see the pulmonologist who has been out of town this whole week, so maybe we'll get to see him next week. Aside from that, I'm just ready to have all of us under the same roof again. This whole thing has us all turned upside-down.

Thank you all for the continued prayers. I'll never underestimate the power of prayer. I just wished my prayers were answered the way I wanted them to be sometimes. :)


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