Thursday, July 3, 2008


I am so fed up with deal with our stupid government agencies. Jumping through one hoop after another just to get services for Aidan when he genuinely needs them. I guess dealing with the stress related to his condition isn't enough... let's throw the added stress of dealing with the government and all of their bureaucratic BS on top of it. It's enough to make a normal person crazy.... and I don't think I rank up there with "normal" lately.

Oh, well... just had to get that off of my chest. Sorry for ranting, but I'm sure some of you understand where I'm coming from.


Anonymous said...

My opinion is simple. Anytime a child needs help he or she should get it no questions asked. If you can't afford it, it should be free.
You have every right to vent here on your blog. We are hear to listen and to understand, and pray.

Kristina said...

Ah, bureaucracies. I can guarantee you, though, that it is better than dealing with the Indian Hospital. And, really, any insurance program will be a pain to deal with, too.

The problem comes with having people decide that something isn't "needed". They don't care if the doctor says it's needed or if that thing has proven helpful. All they care about is the bottom line. It's that way with ALL insurance. The only way to not have to deal with the B.S. is to pay for all of it yourself. Unfortunately, you're having to pay for a lot, anyway.

Hang in there! I think you're making the right choices. Keep venting all you want.

The Tuba Geek said...

Kristina, I've heard that VA Hospitals are pretty bad, too ...

Kristina said...

Mmmmmm. Yes, they are. Also, military hospitals/insurance are nothing to get excited about. The problem is that when you have a huge establishment, it's hard to get anything done. Everything moves at the rate of a sloth. In order for anything to move, 10 other things have to move first. Plus, you have to have everything approved by 20 different people (a very slight exageration:).

Shawna said...

Nope.. I work for a pharmacy that does a lot of Medicare, Medicaid and government contracts.. I think the 20 people isn't an exaggeration, it's a hopeful estimate. Government grinds everything to a screeching halt. And it seems to hurt the ones who need it the most!