Monday, March 3, 2008

Out of Surgery

We just met with Dr. Hoover about Aidan's surgery. He made it through the surgery without any complications. He now has a tube in his trachea as well as one in his belly (referred to as a "button"). He also currently has a NG tube for decompressing his stomach. All nutrition will be handled by IV during his recovery time and he will have the ventillator attached to his trach tube.

How long is recovery? At this time they have him paralyzed and he will remain that way for the next week. Therapists will still be able to work on his joints, etc., but he should not move on his own at all until next Monday. This means no storms (hopefully), but it also means he won't be interacting with us during that time.

This gives us about a week to come to a final decision on a rehab location. We're pretty sure we'll be going to the Carolinas Rehabilitation Center located within Levine Children's Hospital in Charlotte, though. Right now, we're just happy he is out of surgery and recovering.

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