Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Afternoon Update

I went into Aidan's room this morning about 10AM. The nurses informed me that he had been storming since 8:30AM. Once again, his respiration rate was high, but his heart rate was normal.

Dr. Caceras came into Aidan's room a little later this morning and told me a lot. Hopefully I got it all:

  • The central line had been removed recently due to Aidan having a high fever. When they pulled this, his fever started going down some. As a result, they cultured his blood and started him on antibiotics. That is almost completely cured
  • They are trying to get Aidan more awake. They feel this may help with the healing of his brain, but we are wondering how this is possible when he has 4+ hour storms
  • His Ativan has been moved to his G-tube along with some of his other drugs (Colace, antibiotic, etc.). They had also taken him off the Versed, but it is back on now.
  • Feedings have started again, and he will be on full feedings by tomorrow.
  • The MRI/MRS is scheduled for sometime tomorrow morning (not sure of the exact time, but it should be mid-morning unless an emergency pops up).
  • They have setup a protocol for administering certain drugs should a storm start lasting too long. They issue each drug then wait an hour before giving the next drug. The order of the drugs is: Ativan then Fentanyl then Propyphol (sp?).
  • Aidan is off the ventilator more now, though they may put him back on it of an evening. He still gets oxygen, though. I may try to hold him a little later today.
  • Next family conference is scheduled for midday Friday (11:30 or noon). I don't have a definite time yet, but may later today or first thing tomorrow.

Frankly, things have started to get more difficult for me. This Sunday will be one month since the accident. I can't help looking at Aidan and while thinking of how far he has come along, also think of how far he have yet to go. It is depressing, demoralizing, and just flat-out difficult to deal with all of this. While sitting in the room with him, his Aunt Regina, and his great-grandma and great-grandpa, I bowed my head. I could barely pray, I was so tired and emotionally drained. I am doing everything I can to remain strong and keep up my faith, but it has not been an easy week. Last family meeting, they were looking at two more weeks here. I'm really afraid that it is going to be closer to two more months. I know Aidan needs a lot of prayers, but please pray for me and Erin that we will be able to get through this very difficult time. Also, concentrate prayers tomorrow morning on Aidan that we will have a good result from the MRI and MRS scans.

-- Russell

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